With your vote on Tuesday, we will end Kamala’s invasion and we will not allow illegals to spill one more drop of American blood- Donald Trump

In a recent video posted by Donal Trump, where he was seen addressing over 40,000 people concerning the upcoming America election. He said
” Just days ago, right here in your state, an incredible 25-year-old mom, beautiful mom, named Mimi Rodriguez Ramirez, was k*dnapped from a Walmart parking lot, a parking lot that was safe. She was horribly abus*d and m*rdered, violently m*rdered. A week later, her body was d*mped on a road.
It was found by the police in condition that they said they’ve never seen anything like that before. The animal who m*rdered Mimi was an illegal alien who came to Georgia to maim and k*ll people. It made no difference who they were.
Mimi leaves behind a nine-year-old daughter and her absolutely wonderful mother, Carmen. Yesterday, my friend, a very wonderful man and a very patriotic and philanthropic man, had the fortune to make a lot of money, and he gives a lot of his money away. He’s just very amazing.
In fact, he made contributions to Georgia with your hurricane problems, and he made tremendous contributions to North Carolina, Alabama. Think of all these states. Tennessee, South Carolina, Florida.
What a horrible thing that was. But my friend’s name is Steve Witkoff, and he reached out to Carmen when he heard about it. And I’d like to ask Steve, he doesn’t know I’m going to do this, and he may not want to speak in front of 40,000 people, because I don’t know if he’s ever done it before.
But Steve is just this incredible guy, and if it’s okay with you, Steve, I’d love to have you come up and say some wonderful things about Mimi and Carmen and that incredible family that’s been decimated.
Steve Witkoff.
“ Hello, everyone.
The president is a lifelong friend of mine, and he is one of the best men I have ever known. I speak about him often, and I like to tell people about his humanity, his sensitivity, his empathy. I am a member of a very bad club.
It’s the club of parents who have b*ried their children. When my son Andrew d*ed, there was one person who supported me unconditionally. That was President Trump and his wife Melania.
We were having a conversation, and I told the president that my son Andrew leads me to others who have been in distress. Several days ago, that happened again. As a member of this audience, Josh McCoon, who you heard earlier, was a great guy, told me about a Georgia woman, Mimi, who had been murdered.
I told the president the circumstances, and he was shaken. He asked me what we could do about it and told me to reach out to the family and do whatever we could. I flew to their home tonight to pick them up and bring them here, and they are here tonight with me.
Distraught and sad, but I believe uplifted, and they are Trumpers and have voted for him in this election, all of them, because they remain hopeful, as they told me earlier, that even after this terrible tragedy, this president, when he becomes president on Tuesday, can bring us out from the abyss. Let me tell you briefly about Mimi’s family. They are hardworking from Puerto Rico, living in Georgia, making a home for themselves.
They never imagined their beautiful daughter would be k*lled by someone who did not belong in this country. On your behalf, Mr. President, we have raised their family money, and we have given it to them tonight, and we will watch after them in the future. I can promise you that, in your direction.
Carmen, please come up to meet the next president of the United States.
Carmen Ramirez
My name is Carmen Ramirez. I’m the mother of Minelli Zoe Rodriguez Ramirez.
She was m*rdered the last Tuesday. I lose my daughter, but I don’t lose my faith. And I know, and I know Donald Trump is the best choice for the USA.
And not the best choice. He’s the only one we need to save our country. I just want to let you know that everybody has to go to vote.
Because just for talking and don’t vote, we don’t do nothing. Take your friends, take your children, 18 years old, everybody has to vote. Because that’s the only way we’re going to save our country.
Okay. And I want to let you know that Donald Trump is not a choice. It’s just the number one.
And Jesus let me come over here today to let you know that I have a 25 years daughter with a lot of life. And somebody stopped her life. And we have to stop with this and keep going with Donald Trump.
I meet Donald Trump in person. He’s the most wonderful person that I see. That I know right now.
He help us. He be with us all the time as this happen. And he always be there for my family.
That’s why we always going to be for him all the time. Thank you for everything. Thank you and don’t forget to go and vote.
God bless America. Please make America great again.
watch full video here