


Director of Equatorial Guinea’s Financial Agency Arrested for Allegedly Recording over 400 SexTapes

For days now, er*tic videos have been circulating on social media featuring Baltasar EBANG ENGONGA, better known as “Bello”, who is currently the Director General of the National Financial Investigation Agency (ANIF) and is currently imprisoned for alleged corruption issues.


The scandal emerged in the course of a fr#ud investigation against the 54-year-old Economist which resulted in the search of his house and office on impromptu notice by ANIF officials who came across several CDs that later revealed his s*xcapades with different married women.

In a report by a local media platform, Ahora EG, since last October, Engonga has been involved in a sexu*l scandal unprecedented in the history of Equatorial Guinea.The report read,

The most striking thing is that some scenes took place in his work office, including moments in which he is seen sleep*ng with a woman next to the National Flag. Based on this s*xual scandal, the Executive has stated that the measure is a direct response to the acts that have affected the image of the country.

With these new measures, the Government hopes to establish a clear precedent on the expected conduct of public officials in order to create a more respectful work environment in the public and private administration of Equatorial Guinea

Baltasar EBANG ENGONGA is said to have filmed these scenes with the consent of the women themselves, which exonerates him from a possible cr*me of viol*tion of integrity. In the videos, he is seen having unprotected s*x with several women, including those married to powerful and well-known people in the country, but also with the most “diva and influential” single women in Equatorial Guinea. Some scenes take place in hotel rooms, houses, even in the protagonist’s office at the Ministry of Finance,” it added.

However, speaking on the viral s*xtapes, the Attorney General of the country, Nzang Nguema, has stressed that, although the images suggest that the women involved were not forced to participate, the law does not consider consensual s*xual relations to be a crime, unless coercion or violence is proven. This highlights the importance of victims reporting situations of s*xual ab*se or ass*ult.

Nguema also emphasised that the r*sk is not only for the women involved but also for their partners and the wider community, adding, “The possibility of a contagious disease being spread through these s*xual interactions makes the situation even more critical.

He further pointed out that the onus is on victims to come forward in cases of r*pe or ass*ult, highlighting the need for an environment where people feel safe and supported to report such incidents.

Reacting to the development on Monday, Equatorial Guinea has decided to take action by immediately suspending all officials who have had s*xual relations in the offices of the country’s ministries.

The government claimed that the decision was part of its “zero tolerance” policy towards behaviour that compromises the integrity of the public service.

List of alleged relationships of #Baltasar bang Engonga:

  • The wife of the Director of Presidential Security
  • The Attorney General’s wife
  • The daughter of the Director General of Police
  • The wife of his pastor’s little brother
  • His godfather’s wife
  • His sentry’s wife
  • His bodyguard’s wife
  • Fifteen friends of his younger sister
  • His pastor’s wife
  • The wives of several ministers, including Minister Oburu
  • His own little brother’s wife
  • His uncle’s pregnant wife


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