Donald Trump slams Democrats, saying, “Our country is a disaster, a laughing stock all over the world,” and criticizes the FBI and DOJ

In a bid to preparing for 20th January swearing in of Donald Trump the US President-Elect, the president-elect has slammed the incumbent US government led by democrats under Joe Biden’s watch.
He said,
“Our Country is a disaster, a laughing stock all over the World! This is what happens when you have OPEN BORDERS, with weak, ineffective, and virtually nonexistent leadership.”
Recall that Joe Biden’s administration favoured policies geared towards foreign inclusion. This made opening of borders and multi-lateral relationships to be more pronounced.
As expected, open border policies reduce the force of participating nations as a way of relaxing systems and accommodating the other countries’ aligning policies.
The republican Donald Trump opposes this policy strategy. Rather advocates for an airtight border control policy which according to him guarantees security and life of Americans.
Trump called Joe Biden’s government “c0rrupt and incompetent” who left important matters and focussed on “att@cking opposition groups”
“The USA is breaking down – A vi0lent erosion of Safety, National Security, and Democracy is taking place all across our Nation. Only strength and powerful leadership will stop it. See you on January 20th.” He said inspiring hope in his government which is set to kickstart on 20th January, 2025.
US government has global impact and who sits on the most powerful seat and controls the strongest power has strong influence in determining what happens to other people who are not Americans or those intending to go to the US.
Netizens reacted,
“American citizens themselves will need to step up and defend America if our government cannot do so.”
“And everyone thought leadership would protect the nation… When the system’s broken, it’s easy to blame everyone else. But leadership isn’t about fear-mongering—it’s about action. Time to stop playing the blame game and fix what’s truly broken.”
“Yea they need to focus their powers OUTWARD rather than INWARD”
“Can’t wait for strength to be back”
“We will make it great again! Love Trump”
The coming days are uncertain but all fingers are crossed to see what Donald Trump brings to the table.
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