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Donald Trump Nominates Don Jr.’s Fiancée Kimberly Guilfoyle for Abroad Ambassadorship After Son Is Seen with a Woman

The United States American’s President-Elect, Donald Trump has nominated Don Jr’s Fiancée. This happened after the son was seen with a woman.


People reports, “Kimberly Guilfoyle, Donald Trump Jr.’s fiancée, has been nominated as a United States diplomat, a day after he was seen holding hands with Florida socialite Bettina Anderson.”


This has sparked reaction from netizens especially on what could have necessitated the nomination within the short period of the incidence. Could this had been the president-elect’s after thought or a planned nomination as he set to take over the White House again.

To this, netizens reacted,

This family is a disgrace and an embarrassment to our Country!! How can so many people have zero morals???”

“150 historians would like to have a word.”

“Why can’t this guy bring in qualified people I mean, didn’t he learn from the first time when he tried to bring in his family that they are all incompetent to do the job without scamming the system. Is he that stupid that he doesn’t know how to bring on appropriate educated people to do these jobs to fill these positions what the hell is wrong with this man?”

“L!ars, che@ters, crazy sh!t show about to start. You can’t make this up! All of these morons he’s choosing will gone 6 months in anyway”

“Dude, why’re you cheating on your wife?😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨”

“Donald Trump is the best president ever.🙌”

“These people are so creepy”

“Trump cr!me family strikes again. Sign a 900 pg ND and job is yours”

“Like father like son. Two icky guys.”

“How low can we go! Bet America can go pretty low🤣🔥🤣🤣🤣”

“He hasn’t even put that grubby paw on the Bible yet, and it’s already a shit show wrapped in a dumpster fire.”

“This is comical. The sheep who voted for him must be proud.👏”

“I mean, that is one way to get your ex out of the country. I can think of a couple of mine that I would have loved Daddy send abroad for me.”

“What a shit show”


“This is like a Russians oligarch, friends, family & billionaire supporters, one big happy family!”


“donald jr was probably out doing rails again. don’t worry. he’ll get a pardon.”

“This country will not survive a second Trump term. Everyone should be calling their members of Congress to demand they do everything they can to prevent fascism from casually stro||ing into the White House to end our democracy “

“Americans what have yall done smh”

“welcome to the next 4 yrs, ugggghhhh, my bet is still on Elon being kicked off the island first, oh, wait, wrong show, ha ha”

“F¥king mess🤣🤣”

“I am literally embarrassed for this country. We are complete jokes to every other country”

From the reactions, the American people and the entire world is looking out to what will happen in the next few years of Donald Trump’s term.

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