


Donald Trump calls for justice for Laken Riley – set to begin the biggest mass deportation in American history

After the sentencing of the murd€rer of Laken Riley, Jose Ibarra, Donald Trump demanded justice for her. During his tweet on X, (formally Twitter) Trump offered condolences to the Riley family while calling for controls on the border to be asked to avoid such d€aths in the future.


His tweet

JUSTICE FOR LAKEN RILEY! The !ll€gal who k!ll€d our beloved Laken Riley was just found GU!LTY on all counts for his horr!fic crim€s. Although the pain and heartbreak will last forever, hopefully this can help bring some peace and closure to her wonderful family who fought for Justice, and to ensure that other families don’t have to go through what they have. We love you, Laken, and our hearts will always be with you. It is time to secure our Border, and remove these crim!n@ls and th*gs from our Country, so nothing like this can happen again!


Donald Trump

Laken Riley was only 22 and was a nursing student at Augusta University in Georgia. She was murd€r€d by Jose Ibarra, with whom justice served its course by convicting him for the murd€r. The cr!m€ took place on 22 February 2024, when Riley was jogging near the University of Georgia. The incident was a brut@l @$$ault by Ibarra, who pulled her into the wooded area, seriously @$$aulting her. The leading factors that k!ll€d her were blunt force head trauma and asphyxia due to his use of a rock to hit her and deny her air.

Trump’s call has elicited reactions with most calling for the heads of Democrats who allowed such act succeed in their administration. Others called for the closure of American borders.

@nicksortor – “People like Mayorkas should be ROTTING IN PRISON for allowing this to happen

@GuntherEagleman – “Time to close the border and use our military to secure it

@JKash00 – “Ibarra should be facing the d€ath pena!ty

@The_Trump_Train – “Kamala  Harris and Joe Biden have blood on their hands!”

@AmericaPapaBear – “never forget that it was because Biden Harris and Mayorkas allowed this to happen

@TheOnlyDSC – “Thank you, sir! We will Make America Safe Again! Please deport Harry Sisson


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