

Public Figures

Vegan raw food diet influencer, Zhanna D’Art di£s of suspected starvation.

Vegan raw food diet influencer, Zhanna D’Art di£s of suspected starvation.


A 39-year-old raw vegan influencer, Zhanna D’Art known for promoting a fruit-only diet, has reportedly di£d from “suspected malnutrition,” after living on raw fruits and vegetables for over 10 years.

This was reported by an X user  @creepydotorg.



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The vegan have spent over 10 years of her life, eating only fruits and avoiding any other type of meals, especially meat which is protein.

Vegan: Zhanna
Vegan: Zhanna
Vegan: Zhanna
Vegan: Zhanna


This report has sparked a lot of arguments on X, as some claimed that being a vegetarian is not the ultimate cause of her d£ath, but starvation and malnutrition.

While some others are saying that avoiding meat which is protein is a major cause of what led to her malnutrition, and eventually her d£ath.

Here are some of the controversial statements below.

@Venusthetic27 – “She di£d because of malnutrition, not because she is vegan. In India, there are 580 million (approx) vegan people who eat healthy food and stay healthy!”

@Gracebal0 – “Humans need meat, that’s why God allowed us eat animals. Can’t survive on just fruits!”

@PiranhaPeaceful – “So when meat eaters d!£ from malnutrition then it’s not the diets fault but when they are vegan it is? Got it. I’ve been vegan for 8 years and I’m far from malnourished.”

@Skitz0Panda – “I have not had meat since I was around 8 years old, my choice. I’m nearly 28 now and my yearly blood checks are always fine and I’m certainly not wasting away. I have very little dairy, I drink energy cans to supliment like b12 and I eat a lot of potatoes. This isn’t an issue about not eating meat alone, she just starved herself and failed to get medical care.”

@Crystal_Parsins – “People need to stop comparing the diets of raw vegans with regular vegans, regular vegans can eat very healthy diets, raw vegans exclude many things regular vegetarians eat like pasta and bread and tofu and beans.”

NobleConsultT – “She di£d on 21 July 2023. Zhanna was following a completely raw vegan diet for at least four years and lived on “fruits, sunflower seed sprouts, fruit smoothies and juices” only!!!
She di£d of starvation when she was on a tour of southeast Asia when she di£d in Malaysia.”

@GKDcraig – “It is a very simple thing to see what we are supposed to eat. God created us with incisors, canines and molars. This way we can eat anything because we are omnivores. If we were meant to be vegans we would only have molars like a cow. It we were meant to eat only meat we would have teeth like a lion. Humans need meat and veggies in a balance.”

@hxllohxhn – “Sad story, I had a sister who di£d of malnutrition after leaving out meat from her diet. She also hardly ate her salads, she supplemented her meals with nuts and some protein shakes but avoided meat, milk, and byproducts from animals. She hardly snacked on chips too.

She di£d from malnutrition but, what accelerated it was she never visit her doctor to only find out towards her last year of life was that she had a typh0id inf£ction. I’m passed this but my parents were devastated. I hope that anyone who seen this keeps in mind of their family members diets and see how or what’s changed but also check in on them when you can, love you fam!”

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