WWE Legend, Rey Misterio passes on at 66

Mexican Wrestling legend, Rey Misterio Sr. has d!ed at age 66. The de@th of Mysterio Sr., whose real name is Miguel Ángel López Días, was announced by his son, El Hijo de Rey Misterio (Miguel Aarón López Hernández) on Facebook on Friday, December 20.
“Friends and family, I regret to inform you that my father, Miguel Ángel López Días, Rey Misterio Sr., Passed away this morning…I will keep you informed. Thank you,” The cause of de@th was not announced.
Mexican wrestling company, ”Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide” also stated on twitter (X) to confirm the news. Post, which is in Spanish, says.
”Lamentamos el sensible fallecimiento de Miguel Ángel López Días, conocido como Rey Mysterio Sr. Enviamos nuestro más sincero pésame a sus seres queridos y elevamos nuestras oraciones al cielo por su eterno descanso.”
English translation says, “We mourn the sensitive passing of Miguel Ángel López Días, known as Rey Misterio Sr. We send our deepest condolences to your loved ones and lift our prayers to heaven for your eternal rest,”
Mysterio Sr. is the uncle of the World Westling Entertainment (WWE) superstar Rey Misterio. His de@th comes nearly one month after the death of his brother (Misterio’s father), Roberto Gutierrez, at the age of 76 on Nov. 17.
Misterio Sr. won various titles throughout his run, including ”the Revolution Tag Team Championship”, which he held with his son, ”the IWC World Middleweight Championship”, and ”the WWA World Junior Light Heavyweight Championship’‘,
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