

Nigerian news

[VIDEO]: Nigerian policemen caught on camera h@rr@$$ing a woman in Benue State.



[VIDEO]: Nigerian policemen caught on camera h@rr@$$ing a woman in Benue State.


A Facebook user, Ukan P Kurugh, CEO of Ukan Kurugh Humanitarian Foundation, shared on his Facebook profile a video showing the Nigerian police in Benue State h@r@$$ing a woman.

He said the person that shared the video with him was arrested alongside the woman.

Here’s the words on his Facebook profile.

These are the thugs of the so-called Anti-Cult unit of the Nigeria Police Force, Benue State, shamelessly h@r@$$ing an innocent lady who was simply picked up by a cab driver at Terwase Agbadu in Makurdi. Their cruelty knows no bounds.

The person who recorded this video was also arrested, but they were too incompetent to find this footage on his phone. He managed to send it to me before they could destroy it.


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This so-called Anti-Cult unit is the most feared and corrupt arm of the police in Makurdi, Benue State. They are not just poorly trained—they are outright predators, extorting money from their victims like common cr!m!nals.

My source revealed the depths of their corruption: once detained, victims are released only after being escorted to withdraw obscene amounts of money—₦50k, ₦100k, ₦200k—at POS terminals. If they find nothing incr!m!nating on your phone, they’ll still brand you a “Y@h00 boy” to justify their extortion. Laughably, this office doesn’t even own a functioning laptop to investigate the cybercr!me allegations they throw around. The OC of this den of thieves is clearly lining his pockets at the expense of Benue youth.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll scream it again: the Anti-Cult unit of the Nigeria Police in Benue State is a disgrace. They must be dismantled and restructured immediately. As it stands, they are nothing but a menace, a plague preying on the people they’re supposed to protect. Enough is enough.”


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