Video: French band performs P-Square's song.

Video: French band performs P-Square’s song.
French band is seen in a video posted on X performing P-Square’s song ‘Taste the money ‘ for president Ahmed Bola Tinubu at State dinner organized by French government for president Ahmed Bola Tinubu of Nigeria.
Here is a link to the video on X.
Recall that president Ahmed Bola Tinubu alongside his wife, Oluremi Tinubu were welcomed yesterday by the French president, Emmanuel Macron and his wife.
•“It’s a great honour for France to welcome you, dear president Tinubu”_Emmanuel Macron.
•Tinubu Departs For France For a Key State Visit to Strengthen Nigeria-France Alliance
• “I’m fixing out-of-school children crisis in Nigeria” – Tinubu tellls French President
Reacting to the video posted on X,
@MsCents commended the effort of the musical band.
@MsCents- _”Let’s not lie, they tried. How many of you can speak.. Talk less perform a song with French accent?
They are reading their scripts, no much stress.”_
@Na2ive consider the song to be appropriate for the dinner party since the lyrics mentioned ‘money’.
@Na2ive- “_Since the visit/meeting is for money tasting, it’s a perfect song to pick and it was perfectly executed “_
@Digiola_ commends president Ahmed Bola Tinubu’s effort in improving the relationship between the Nigerian government and French government.
@Digiola- _”Gradually Tinubu is changing Nigeria bad history in Europe to Good one …Thank you @aonanuga1956 @officialABAT First time in the history of our country with such beautiful welcome party.. Nigeria shall be great again.”_
Could it be possible for P-Square to sue the band for performing their song live at the dinner party? @Toluxkelv asked.
@Toluxkelv- _”Lawyers in the house can P-square sue for copyright in this case @egi_nupe_I am not saying they should sue, I am just seeking knowledge.”_
@cfc_clevs opinion on why they chose the song.
@cfc_clevs- _”If you’re a critical thinker, you’d know why they chose this particular track “Taste the Money” Everyone seems happy.”_
President Tinubu travelled to France on Thursday.
He stated that
_”Nigeria is open for business”_,as he embarked on a state visit to France, with Paris looking to boost ties in English-speaking Africa following a series of setbacks with former allies on the continent.