


S£x workers in Belgium rejoice as the Government approves huge benefits for them

S£x workers in Belgium
Belgium Flag

S£x workers in Belgium rejoice as the country became the first nation in the world to permit s£x workers to sign employment contracts.


The signed employment contract grants them access to several benefits including annual vacation, maternity pay, sick days, and a pension.

The law also grants fundamental rights to sex workers. They now have the right to refuse clients and set the terms of any s£xu@l service to be offered.

I am a very proud Belgium s£x worker right now, People who are already working in the industry will be much more protected, and also people who are going to work in the industry also know what their rights are.” Mel Meliciousss, a member of the Belgian Union of s£x workers, said on her Instagram.

Furthermore, the new law also gives s£x workers labor rights and protections just like those in other professions.

Employers must now get approval, meet background requirements and are also required to make sure their premises are sanitary and equipped.

Employers are also forbidden from firing an employee who refuses a client or a specific act.

However, these protections are only given to s£x workers who sign an employment contract, and not those who are self-employed.

Several critics described the new law as normalizing a “v!0lent” profession that leads to human tr@ff!cking, s£xu@l expl0!tation and ab*se, but br0th£l owners disagreed.

I think many businesses will have to shut down because a lot of employers have a cr!m!nal record,” said Kris Reekmans, who employs 15 s£x workers at his massage parlor. 

“I hope the bad employers will be shut down and the good people who want to do this profession honestly will stay.” she further added.

Watch a testimony from a popular s£x worker here

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