

Nigerian news

Sentenced: A Guy Has Bagged a 4-Month Sentence for Vændal!sm

One of the Magistrate Courts in Oshodi has handed down a four-month prison sentence to a young man caught attempting to vændal!ze the Jibowu Bridge in Lagos. 

Sentenced: A Guy Has Bagged a 4-Month Sentence for Vændal!sm


One of the Magistrate Courts in Oshodi has handed down a four-month prison sentence to a young man caught attempting to vændal!ze the Jibowu Bridge in Lagos.

The suspect was arrested by officers of the Lagos State Kick Against Indiscipline (KAI) while trying to remove nuts and screws from the bridge structure.

Marshal Olaniyi Cole, the commander of Kick Against Indiscipline, verified the arrest and subsequent sentencing, highlighting the critical role that KAI personnel play in preventing any infrastructure dæmage. Cole highlighted the possible dángers that could have arisen from such acts of sab0tage and expressed gratitude to the Kick Against Indiscipline team for their dedication and quick response.

“This incident serves as a warning to individuals intent on dêstroying public property,” stated Cole, “and showcases the government’s dedication to safeguarding infrastructure and ensuring public safety.”

Three ‘one chance’ thieves nabbed for robb**ing and r@ping ladies in Delta. 

“The suspect was promptly arra!gned at the Oshodi Magistrate Court, found gûilty, and sentenced to four months impr!sonment,” Cole stated.

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