Media Personalities

Randall Carlson Wikipedia, Biography, Age, Credentials, Hometown, Net Worth, Books, Wife, Family

Randall Carlson Biography

Randall Carlson is a multidisciplinary researcher, teacher, and geomythologist known for his work exploring the intersection of ancient civilizations, catastrophic earth changes, and sacred geometry. He has spent over four decades studying various fields, including mythology, astronomy, earth sciences, paleontology, and symbolism. Carlson is also a master builder and architectural designer, and his expertise has been featured in documentaries like CNN’s “Fire From the Sky” (1997), which focused on catastrophic events affecting Earth.

Carlson is best known for his appearances on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, where he discusses his research on topics such as Plato’s Atlantis, comet impacts, and other theories about earth’s history. He has a significant following due to his ability to combine scientific data with esoteric and ancient knowledge, presenting ideas in an accessible and engaging way.

In addition to his podcast appearances, Randall Carlson hosts the podcast “Kosmographia”, where he delves into the catastrophic history of the world and discusses evidence of advanced knowledge in earlier human civilizations. He has been an active Freemason for over 30 years and served as a Past Master of one of Georgia’s largest Masonic lodges.

Randall Carlson Age

Randall Carlson was born on March 26, 1951, which makes him 73 years old as of 2024.

Randall Carlson Educational Background and Credentials

Randall Carlson is a self-taught researcher with over four decades of experience, particularly in the fields of geomythology, geology, astronomy, and sacred geometry. While details about his formal educational background are not widely available, Carlson has gained substantial recognition in the academic and scientific communities through his work and contributions, despite lacking a traditional academic degree from a major institution.

His credentials include his longstanding membership in Freemasonry, where he has served as Past Master of one of Georgia’s largest Masonic lodges. Additionally, he has received recognition from the National Science Teachers Association for his contributions to science education, further establishing his influence as a scholar and teacher.

Randall Carlson Hometown

Randall Carlson hails from Seattle, Washington.

Randall Carlson Career

Randall Carlson’s career spans over four decades, primarily centered around his work in geomythology, geology, and sacred geometry. Born in 1951, Carlson developed an early fascination with the interplay between ancient civilizations and catastrophic events. His research focuses on understanding how ancient knowledge, often dismissed by mainstream academia, could offer insights into Earth’s geological history and the mysteries surrounding ancient cultures. He has explored mythology, astronomy, earth sciences, and symbolism, contributing a wealth of interdisciplinary knowledge to these fields​.

Carlson’s early career began with his deep study of sacred geometry, an ancient practice that connects mathematical principles to spiritual and architectural forms. He is also a master builder and architectural designer, skills that have informed his unique approach to interpreting ancient structures like the pyramids and temples around the world.

One of the pivotal points in Carlson’s career came in 1997, when his research was featured in the CNN/TBS documentary “Fire From the Sky”, which explored catastrophic events and their impact on Earth’s history. This documentary brought his work to a broader audience, highlighting his research into comet impacts, floods, and other earth-shaping phenomena. Carlson’s theories on catastrophic events contributing to the collapse of ancient civilizations, such as those linked to the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis, have gained traction within certain academic and alternative history circles​.

Carlson’s partnership with Graham Hancock, a fellow researcher and author, further elevated his career. Together, they explored theories about Plato’s Atlantis and other lost civilizations. Their collaboration, particularly on Joe Rogan’s podcast, reached millions of listeners and sparked debates about the mainstream understanding of human history. Carlson’s appearances on the Joe Rogan Experience in 2015 and subsequent episodes in 2017 and 2022 have been particularly influential, leading to a surge in interest around his work.

In addition to podcast appearances, Randall Carlson co-founded and hosts the podcast “Kosmographia”, which started in 2019. The podcast dives into the details of catastrophic earth changes, sacred geometry, and ancient knowledge. Through his podcast, Carlson has reached a wide audience, blending scientific research with alternative historical theories to offer a compelling perspective on events like comet impacts and ice ages.

Over the years, Carlson has conducted numerous field expeditions to explore geological evidence supporting his theories. These expeditions often document physical traces of cosmic impacts and flood events that could explain the rise and fall of ancient civilizations. His hands-on approach and commitment to fieldwork have earned him credibility in the eyes of both enthusiasts and some in the academic community.

In addition to his media presence, Carlson’s long-term involvement with Freemasonry has influenced his work, particularly in understanding the use of sacred geometry in ancient and modern architecture. As a Freemason for over 30 years and a Past Master of one of Georgia’s largest lodges, he integrates Masonic principles with his research, exploring the philosophical and spiritual aspects of geometry and architecture.

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Randall Carlson Wife and Children

There is very little publicly available information regarding Randall Carlson’s wife and children. He tends to keep his personal life private, and details about his family have not been prominently featured in interviews or public appearances.

Randall Carlson Net Worth

Randall Carlson has an estimated net worth of $5 million as of 2024.

Randall Carlson YouTube Channel

Randall Carlson has a YouTube channel named The Randall Carlson. On this channel, he shares a wide range of content focused on geology, ancient civilizations, cosmic catastrophes, and sacred geometry. He also posts episodes from his popular podcast, “Kosmographia”, where he explores topics related to the Earth’s catastrophic history, ancient wisdom, and advanced knowledge from earlier human civilizations.

As of now, the channel has amassed over 264K subscribers, and his videos continue to attract viewers interested in alternative history and scientific inquiry.


Who is Randall Carlson?

Randall Carlson is a geomythologist, architectural designer, and geological explorer known for his work in exploring ancient knowledge, sacred geometry, and catastrophic earth changes. He is also a Freemason with over 30 years of involvement in the Masonic tradition.

What is Randall Carlson’s main field of study?

Carlson primarily studies catastrophic events and their impact on Earth’s history, focusing on ancient civilizations, cosmic impacts, and geological changes such as floods and ice ages. He merges these with sacred geometry and esoteric traditions.

What is Randall Carlson best known for?

Carlson is widely recognized for his appearances on The Joe Rogan Experience, where he discusses ancient history, geology, and cosmic catastrophes. He is also known for his podcast “Kosmographia” and his theories about advanced knowledge in early civilizations.

When did Randall Carlson first appear on Joe Rogan’s podcast?

Randall Carlson first appeared on The Joe Rogan Experience in 2014, alongside Graham Hancock, and has since been a regular guest, attracting millions of viewers with his discussions on ancient history and geology.

What are Randall Carlson’s views on ancient civilizations?

Carlson believes that early human civilizations possessed advanced knowledge that modern science has yet to fully understand. He frequently discusses the idea that catastrophic events played a significant role in shaping these civilizations.

What major documentaries has Randall Carlson contributed to?

Carlson’s research formed the basis of the CNN/TBS documentary “Fire From the Sky” in 1997, which focused on catastrophic events and their influence on human history.

Is Randall Carlson involved in Freemasonry?

Yes, Carlson has been an active Freemason for over 30 years and has served as the Past Master of one of the largest Masonic lodges in Georgia. His work often incorporates Masonic principles, particularly related to sacred geometry and symbolism.

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