Popular Tiktoker Inzlay laments amidst Tiktok exit from US: “It was my free therapy”

Against the ban of TikTok in the US, TikTokers, fans and followers express deep emotional feeling on the decision of the government.
One popular TikToker, Inzlay, has brought an emotive and thought provoking video on TikTok. She has captioned the video,
“tiktok helped me through grad school, helped me in my activism, helped me with my relationship with my mother…i really h@te to say goodbye.”
TikTok has been a source of livelihood to hundreds of Americans while Inzlay has leveraged the platform to pay her way through school, strengthen her relationship and got better with her mother.
In reaction to her emotive video, followers and fans said,
“damn. The algorithm saying goodbye hit me deep 😭”
“Tiktok has healed me, educated me, motivated me, made me laugh, cry, happy in ways that the world genuinely cannot. Tiktok has taught me so much and I’m so sad I can’t learn any more”
“Please don’t cry🥺🥺, we’re gonna be okay I promiseeeeee!!!”
“I’m so h¥rt for y’all”
“Don’t think about it babe”
“TikTok was my free therapy. I’m super sad 😭”
“don’t cry baby, we gonna all find each other and build community again. 🥰”
“Being on TikTok during quarantine gave me a sense of comfort and community that no other app will ever be able to emulate. we all went through it together in real time on this little clock app ❤️”
“I understand what you mean. TikTok was the reason why I started my spiritual journey and was able to leave my abusive ex of 7 years.”
The pulse from US TikTokers is a deep lesson never to put one’s eggs in one basket.