Netizens Agog As Pastors Performs Miracle Alert During Service

The controversies around religion and religious people in Nigeria and Africa had been serious subject for discussion.
A short viral video showing one pastor and his miracle enterprise had gripped the internet.
In the viral video, the pastor claimed his prophecy revolved around who would fly a balloon aircraft. One lady who came from Edo state stepped out, raised the balloon aircraft up, releasing her hand as the pastor “kabashed” the balloon aircraft flew far into the sky.
The members in excitement believed it’s the potency of the pastor that made the balloon aircraft to fly.
This was to be confirmed by a miracle credit alert to the person to fly the balloon.
Boom!!! She got the alert!!! The rousing roar of the crowd was deafening but the screaming went cold as soon as she announced the amount, N15,000. Although the noise continued mildly.
Netizens had dismissed the miracle scene as “staged” and “doctored.” Another said, “See me thinking it would be instant passport and visa she didn’t apply for until I heard 15k naira 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣”
“I believe it is good to prey on the gullible in nigeria”
“How do you do such content for a fr@udul€nt scheme for just 15k??!!”