

Nigerian newsPoliticians

Netizen laments as Reno Omokri ignites ethnic tensions in recent tweet

The popular and controversial Reno Omokri, assistant to former president Goodluck Jonathan on New Media has recently gained attention of the Nigerian people.


The attention is zoomed on him because of his controversial tweets and historical account of the military coup of 1966 in Nigeria which birthed the Nigerian-Biafran war.

The date of this coup coincided with the celebration of Nigeria’s hero’s day celebrated every 15 January.

Reno used his X handle and other social media platforms to share what some people thought to be “stirring” ethnic rival against the Igbo people.

One of the tweets in Reno’s chronicles painted a picture of how Nzeogwu grûesømely ki||ed Sardauna.

In the story, Reno wrote,

Nzeogwu, assisted by three Northern sergeants, Musa Manga (from Zuru), Duromola Oyegoke (from Ilorin) and Yakubu Adebiyi (an instructor in the NMTC’s tactical wing), subjected the Sardauna’s house to such an intensely sustained bûrst of f!re with an antitank w3ap0n that it b¥rst into flames.”

Manga, Oyegoke and Adebiyi were from the Northern Region. Nzeogwu personally conducted a search of the residence, hunting for the Sardauna. While he searched the compound other officers including Second Lieutenant Samson Omeruah deployed soldiers from the 3rd battalion around the outer perimeter wall of the Sardauna’s compound.”

After losing his temper at his initial failure to locate him, Nzeogwu found the Sardauna hiding with his wives and domestic staff near his car park. The Sardauna was $høt dead by Nzeogwu. The Sardauna’s faithful bodyguard Zarumi, who came to defend him with a sword, was also ki||ed.”

The netizen upon reading this, called on appropriate authorities to go for Reno Omokri for stirring ethnic division and fanning the embers of ethnic h@te at this critical and volatile state of Nigeria.

Calling out the government he posted a video and captioned it,

“Reno should be picked up immediately!Why would you want to incite Nigerians against the Igbo’s? This is deliberate, this is intentional and this should not be swept under the carpet.”

His view has generated reactions from other netizens,

Picked up for what??? He put up something that happened in the past… what you should ask yourself is, Did it happen or not?? Are you saying we should delete our history or ignore it???”

“Who will pick him ?? Someone dat is working 4 de president!!!”

“Thank God. 9ja understand Reno now. Let him be arrested”

“Picked by who exactly? When its obvious they are all working together to achieve the same goal 🤷”

“History is history, did the event happen or not? History is not always kind. If we don’t know where we coming from how do we know where we are going?”

Crime against Igbo is treated differently by the govt.” – Sowore

Nothing happens to Reno so long he’s on the government’s side.”

“Don’t worry DSS will open Reno’s file the day he goes into the bad books of his master BAT 🦇 until then he is just a playful man.”

The argument is heated. Truth is simple, whereas everyone has freedom of speech and expression, one shouldn’t use their right to freedom of speech to infringe on other people’s right to dignity of human person.

This era is gray in Nigeria and she needs love and peace and not things that awake buried vèx@tions.

Let’s watch the scene as stories unfold

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