

Media Personalities

Mercy Johnson and husband celebrates their daughter Angel as she turns 9

In the event of Angel’s 9th year birthday anniversary, her mother Mercy Johnson, the popular Nollywood actress known for her duggedness, skills and unique presentation has used her Instagram handle to share the importance of taking care of every child one encounters.


In her words, “Every child you encounter is a divine appointment 😍😍Angel is 9 today….. I rededicate you to the almighty God.. May he do that which only him can do in your life 😍😍 Mummy loves you so much….”

The value of children in the society cannot be overemphasized. Every culture and people place invaluable worth on children. Having them is seen to be blessing and favour in most cultures while not having them can be interpreted as curse or sign of disfavor to other cultures, especially religious people.

Birthdays are important days to show value, concern and regards placed on people and an ample opportunity to remind people how important they are to their clines, friends and well-wisher.

Children, and adults, alike place unequalled significance on people who celebrate their birthday days.

By Mercy Johnson’s message, there’s a sharp advocacy for the rights and welfare of children. Implied in her message is a call to stand up for children who are m@rginalized æb¥sed and deprived.


It’s a call for everyone to see children as blessing. It’s call that one doesn’t have to give birth to their own biological children before they’d stand for children, “Every child you encounter” her words echoes.


Besides her message is the stunningly beautiful pictures of Angel she shared which had sparked reactions from followers, netizens and fans.

“Ur baby’s birthday, una come dey kiss again?wetin we do u mercy😭😭😭” 

“Happy birthday Angel… continue to grow in Grace”

“Happy birthday darling 😘”

“Happy birthday to you Angel”

“Happy birthday little one grow in God’s wisdom and understanding”

“I post new skit nobody cares because I never blow 🤣”

“Happy Birthday To You English baby❤️”

“Happy Birthday My STARRR”

“Happy birthday sweetie I have loved ur mum since I knew about her and I can’t help but love everything that comes from her have beautiful year as u grow older love u”

“Happy birthday Angel.. Keep blooming

Here and many more goes the reactions. It’s important that the society takes moment like birthdays, international children’s day and similar events to make children feel special as it helps in their self esteem and self-worth.

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