


”Help! my wife and children be@t me” Man cries out in Zion Ministry

A man has cried out to the public that he is a victim of domestic vi0lence. The man, his wife, and their children were at Ebuka Obi’s Zion Prayer Movement when he revealed his plight.


In a video that has gone viral, he explained that whenever he be@ts any of his children to correct them, his wife be@ts him back in the presence of the children.

He said he has asked his wife to wait until they are alone before correcting him, but his wife has refused to heed his suggestion, instead, she chooses to h!t him while the children are there.

He added that his children have now learnt from their mother and whenever he be@ts them, they be@t him back or throw things at him.

Church members were seen laughing and screaming as the man narrates his family issues.

The wife also got defensive and verbally att@cked her husband before her children calmed her down.

The couple were at the church with their four children, three girls and one boy. The man was also seen trying to read out his family problems from a piece of paper he was holding.

Ebuka Obi the general overseer was seen trying to intervene and settle the dispute.

This video has caused pandemonium as it is not the usual way of domestic vi0lence, Netizens reacted, and their reactions were compiled by Celebrity Note below,

”This is not a good training for children. They will end up not having regard for their father”

”It’s a pity, this man is in serious problem”

”See how people are laughing, because it is a woman doing the be@ting”

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