Aproko Doctor laments over Nigerian landlords requesting two years upfront rent

Social media personality and Medical Doctor, Dr. Chinonso Egemba. popularly known as Aproko Doctor, laments the high cost of rent on his X account.
He said, ”Why are landlords requesting rent 2 years upfront? This makes no sense at all. Agents are also increasing their commissions.
Everyone is preying on the end user. All at the same time, inflation destroying the purchasing power of young Nigerians. Someone look into this.”
Reactions were,
@hmbventuress: ”Landlord will increase rent due to increase in cement but never reduce rent when cement comes down. Landlords will increase rent when govt construct road or bridge as if they contribute to it but, we’re not ready for the discussion….”
@Kingsley Etiquette Ogbiti: ”the rent is high. In Benin City 3-bedroom ranges from 600,000 to 1.5 million and less than 50,000 salary earners earn 500,000 naira.”
@I am victory: ”I was house hunting recently and the reality on ground is alarming. Landlords are now requesting 2 years rent of 2m for 2-bedroom flat that used to be 700k in this same city. It’s ridiculous. Agents are now requesting 20% They also include security deposit and legal fee.”
@N_e_n_e: ”Just imagine, a room self is 500k agent and agreement 200k each caution fee 100k in some situation 150k How do they want the common man to survive? Have been searching for a place for over 5 months now everything is just way above my budget. This agent should take it easy.”
@A.C Udensi: ”My landlord no wan collect two years. Most persons are still on the same wage as two years ago, but you can’t say same for rents. In a volatile currency economy like ours, it’s always better to pay upfront.”
@Vit IwuChukwu: ”It is becoming a p@ndemic. The agents are the worse in this situation. Landlord says rent is 450k, agent says total package is 900k. Agent wants to take home the same amount as the landlord. NB: The agent is a lawyer.”
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