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Who is Helen Ukpabio and why is she trending?

In Nigeria, Helen Ukpabio, a woman with a penchant for converting w!tchcr@ft and child posse$$ion into well-renowned topics, is trending again, primarily due to the controversies surrounding her teachings and the effects they have on children. Ukpabio is the founder of the Liberty Foundation Gospel Ministries and is infamous for claiming that children can be possessed by €vil $pirits, thus causing many children to be branded as witch€$, some of whom have been abu$€d or abandoned.


Originally from Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, Ukpabio once said that she used to be a w!tch at the age of thirteen but became born again. She started her own ministry in 1992 to propagate her understanding of the Bible to West Africa. They mostly use elements of beliefs that are related to w!tchcr@ft, and this is because most of the rural areas believe in w!tchcr@ft.

Ukpabio’s organization has grown much larger, with branches in some African countries like Cameroon and Ghana.

After listening to the teachings of Ukpabio, a significant number of children have been labeled as witch€$. It is alleged that through her films and books, where she portrays children as carriers of €vil, she has promoted child abu$€ and other forms of v!olenc€ against them. For example, in her film “End of the Wick€d,” she paints a picture of children committing h€inou$ cr!m€$, thus strengthening the thought of d€mon possession among kids. The critics have accused her of being responsible for real-life implication such as t*rtur€ and dumping children that are considered witch€$.

One of the recent activities of Helen Ukpabio has caused interest and anger among people. She is often entangled in complex legal affairs, for instance, a libel case against organizations that protest her practices. In the past, she demanded £500 million in a l€gal $uit against the British Humanist Association for misquoting her on child possession. This legal l@w$uit has been described as a measure meant to subdue her critics, and it has elicited a lot of media coverage.

Further, efforts that Ukpabio made towards the extension of her influence outside Nigeria have also caused concern. That is why she has been known to conduct revival meetings in the United States, where she continues to popularize her provocativ€ ideas. This had often been demonstrated during her visits, where other child rights activists opposed her instructions as a danger to innocent children.

The criticism that has followed Ukpabio has been massive, with many child rights’ organizations, groups, and activists demanding that she be b@rred from countries she endorses her opinions. Such educational productions as “Saving Africa’s W!tch Children” are informative of the suffering children subjected to witchcraft by societies encouraged by witchfind€r$ like Ukpabio.

Critics said that her teachings expose the children to wrong values and, at the same time, contribute to the continuation of v!olenc€ in society.


Helen Ukpabio

Helen Ukpabio

Helen Ukpabio is still an issue whose effect still holds influence in the lives of many kids in Nigeria and other parts of the world. While the topic of her practices gets more attention, it is imperative to concentrate on the features of $uperstition and children’s rights. Children’s rights campaigners have asked for understanding and intervention against the impact of such attitudes as they encourage more awareness and parenting help to affected households.

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The fact that Helen Ukpabio’s story is currently a trending issue is a sign that the f!ght against $uperstition continues and the groups vulnerable to €xplo!tation and abu$€ are still in need of protection.






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